Knives Out Tier List

Tier List - NetEase Games

Updated on August 4, 2024

In the world of battle royale games, Knives Out stands out with its engaging gameplay, expansive maps, and a broad range of character profiles. Players team up or go solo in a bid for survival against overwhelming odds, making strategic decisions that lead them to victory—or to defeat. As new events, such as the Kaiju No. 8 crossover, enrich the game, it’s important to understand where each character ranks in terms of efficacy and synergy with others in various scenarios. This article provides a detailed tier list of characters in Knives Out, exploring their strengths and weaknesses to help you refine your gameplay strategy.

Knives Out Tier List 2024 [NetEase Games]

S Tier

Knives Out Codes 2024


Strengths: Athena is a versatile character with top-tier agility and combat skills. She excels in close-quarter battles, making her formidable both in the offensive and defensive aspects of the game. Her special ability allows her to evade and reposition quickly, making her an excellent choice for players who prefer fast-paced skirmishing.

Weaknesses: While she dominates in agility, Athena lacks range capabilities; players using her must engage closely, making her vulnerable to ranged attackers. If caught off-guard, she can fall quickly with minimal options for escape.


Strengths: Hunter shines in stealth, utilizing his top-notch camouflage abilities. He can blend in with various terrains, making him perfect for strategic ambushes. The combination of camouflage and stealth makes him an elusive target for opponents.

Weaknesses: His low health makes Hunter susceptible to damage if discovered. He also has limited offensive skills, meaning that while he can evade capture well, he may struggle in direct confrontation.

A Tier


Strengths: With an overwhelming presence on the battlefield, Juggernaut boasts substantial health and damage output. He can withstand significant punishment, allowing him to take the forefront in battles while supporting teammates effectively.

Weaknesses: His massive stature makes him an easy target, and his slower pace can be detrimental in scenarios requiring quick repositioning. Players might find him clumsy in situations that call for speedily adapting to enemy movements.


Strengths: A critical character for any squad, Medic specializes in healing and support functions. He can revive teammates quickly and deploy health packs, ensuring that the squad remains in fighting shape longer than-island-survival norms would suggest.

Weaknesses: While he plays vital support roles, Medic has limited offensive capabilities. He struggles during direct confrontations, relying heavily on teammates for backup.

B Tier


Strengths: Scout’s ability to gather intelligence is unrivaled. Equipped with reconnaissance tools, Scout can reveal enemy positions, giving teams a strategic edge. His speed makes him great for hit-and-run tactics.

Weaknesses: In combat, Scout finds himself at a disadvantage; his low damage output and lack of defensive skills often leave him vulnerable if he’s caught without backup. He doesn’t fare well in prolonged battles.


Strengths: True to his name, Tank is a character built primarily for defense. With high health and top-tier armor ratings, he can soak up damage and lead charges reliably during critical engagements.

Weaknesses: His offensive capabilities are limited, often forcing Tank players to prioritize defense, creating scenarios where they can’t effectively eliminate enemies. Additionally, Tank’s slow pace can make him a liability in fast-moving situations.

C Tier


Strengths: The Sniper excels in long-range combat, enabling strategic picks from afar. With high damage rates from distance, Sniper plays a crucial role when positioning is key.

Weaknesses: While formidable at range, Sniper lacks versatility in short engagements, struggling when forced into close combat. This character is also highly dependent on finding optimal vantage points, which may not be easy depending on the map.


Strengths: The Assault character is a decent middle-ground option with balanced stats, making it accessible for new players. He can adapt to various combat situations, engaging effectively in both close-quarters and medium-range confrontations.

Weaknesses: Despite being versatile, Assault lacks the specialization and sharpness found in higher-tier characters. Consequently, he may be outclassed by players utilizing S- or A-tier characters, especially in more competitive settings.

D Tier


Strengths: Swindler can offer misleading plays and bait enemies effectively. Players may find unique opportunities to manipulate opponents based on psychological tactics and ploys.

Weaknesses: The character suffers from low damage output and poor health, making him a weak choice for direct engagements. Instead, he heavily relies on playing mind games that may not always pan out.


Strengths: Designed for beginners, Novice offers an easy learning curve. He encourages players to explore game basics and learn about combat without steep penalties for mistakes.

Weaknesses: Unfortunately, Novice lacks effective abilities and equipment. As players gain experience, they’ll find Novice increasingly limiting in competitive contexts, requiring a transition to more capable characters.

Upcoming Events and Meta Changes

As we delve into a new chapter with the Kaiju No. 8 crossover event, players can expect exciting additions that impact character viability and tactics. The introduction of unique Gold items during crossover events creates compelling gameplay mechanics. These special items can enhance character abilities or provide thematic advantages that might shift the tier list over time.

Engaging with this event allows players to take part in larger maps with over 100 participants, ensuring there’s always action to experience. Collaborating with new teammates adds a dynamic element to survival, where trust and communication become vital. With the emphasis on teamwork, every character’s role becomes increasingly important; finding synergy between characters can often dictate overall success.

Strategies for Team Play

To maximize your squad’s effectiveness in Knives Out, understanding character strengths and weaknesses is crucial. Collaboration strategies optimize survival chances and create unique plays based on the characters selected. Consider forming teams where each character fills a critical role; for example, pairing a Tank with a Medic ensures durability while maintaining the means for recovery.

Encourage players to explore the areas around the map together, making use of vehicles to navigate quickly and safely. Ensure that sniper players claim positions to cover flanks while the Assault and Juggernaut spearhead offensive maneuvers.

Utilize the customization options to enhance team aesthetic and morale. A cohesive look may not directly influence gameplay, but it contributes to team spirit.

Moreover, players should be adaptable and ready to switch characters if certain classes seem to struggle within specific scenarios. Ultimately, the fluidity of character effectiveness and player skill ensures every session of Knives Out remains fresh and engaging.

As the game evolves with new characters, skills, and events, staying updated is key. Keep testing different character aspects in various team formations to find what complements your style the best, and most importantly—have fun exploring your survival journey!

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